
How To Create Node Js Express Project

Node.js + Express Tutorial for 2021 — Build a Web Server Using Node.js and Express

Get started with JavaScript web server frameworks

Catalin's Tech

computer code on a screen

Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash

Node.js with Express is a popular combo used by a lot of applications worldwide. This tutorial helps you get started with Node.js and Express by building a simple web server.

Your server will serve up an HTML page, which will be accessible by other people. By the end of the article, you will have basic knowledge about:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • npm
  • creating Express routes
  • serving HTML
  • setting up static assets in Express

Pro tip: Do not copy the code from the tutorial. Write the code yourself to learn better.

Without further ado, let's jump straight in!

Create and Initialise the Project

The first step in t h e tutorial is to create an empty folder for the project. You can create one in the usual way, or you can do it from the terminal as follows:

            mkdir express-server
cd express-server

Now that you have an empty project, it's time to initialise it by running the following command:

            npm init -y          

The above command creates the package.json file and initialises it with the default values. If you want to fill the fields manually, remove the -y flag and follow the instructions.

Add Express

You have an initialised Node.js project, but there is no track of Express so far. Thus, that takes you to the next step — adding Express to the project. In Node.js, you install packages by running npm install packageName.

To add the latest stable version of Express, run the following command:

            npm install express          

Now that Express is installed, your package.json file should look as follows:

You can see that Express was installed successfully because it's listed under the "dependencies." Now let's move on to the next step — creating the server.

Create Express Server

Before proceeding further, you need to create the JavaScript file for the web server. You can do so by running the following command in your terminal:

            touch index.js          

Open the file, and start by writing the following lines:

            const express = require('express');
const app = express();

What are these two lines doing?

  1. With the first line, you import Express into your project so you can use it. Each time you add a package to your project, you need to import it where you want to use it.
  2. In the second line, you call the express function, which creates a new application and then assigns the result to the app constant.

Create routes and listen on a specific port

In the simplest terms, a route represents an endpoint which people can access. A route is associated with an HTTP verb (e.g. GET, POST, and so on), and it takes a URL path. It also takes a function which is called when the endpoint is accessed.

Write the following code in your file:

            app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send({ message: 'Hello WWW!' });

Let's dissect the above code:

  • It's associated with an HTTP verb — in this case, it's the GET verb.
  • It takes a URL path — in this case, it's the homepage (/).
  • It takes a function which will be called when you access the endpoint.

Therefore, when a person makes a GET request to your homepage, localhost:3333, the arrow function is called and will display "Hello WWW!"

The last step for the server to work is to set up a listener. You need to set a specific port for the application. Write the following code at the end of your JavaScript file.

            app.listen(3333, () => {
console.log('Application listening on port 3333!');

You need to call the method listen to be able to start the server. Also, you can replace the port number (3333) with whatever number you want.

Access the app in the browser

To start the application, run node index.js in the terminal. Mind you, index.js is the name I chose for this tutorial. However, you can name it app.js or whatever you want.

Now that the server is running, you can access it in your browser. Go to http://localhost:3333/, and you should see the following message:

screenshot of app showing message

A screenshot of the app

Well done for setting up a Node.js + Express web server! In the next section, you will set up the static assets, such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, images, etc.

Static Assets

The application does not look too nice at the moment. Would it not be nicer with a bit of structure and styling? But where should you add them?

In this section, you will see how to set up and serve static assets such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images.

Import the path module

The first step you have to make is to import the path module into your application. You do not have to install anything, because path comes by default with Node.

At the top of your file, write the following line:

            const path = require('path');          

But why do you need this module? The path module allows us to generate absolute paths, which you need to serve static assets. Add the following line of code (before defining the routes) in your application:

            app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));          

path.join takes two arguments:

  • The current working directory (cwd)
  • The second directory, the one we want to join with the cwd

As an exercise, try printing out to the console path.join(__dirname, 'public') to see what you get.

Your server should look like this so far:

            const path = require('path');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))) app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send({ message: 'Hello WWW!' });
app.listen(3333, () => {
console.log('Application listening on port 3333!');

Create public folder and add assets

The next step is to create the public folder and add some assets. You can create an empty folder and change to it by running the following commands:

            mkdir public
cd public

Now, let's create some empty files where you will add the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Run the following lines in your terminal:

            touch app.js
touch index.html
touch styles.css

We'll keep app.js super simple, only showing an alert to make sure it works. Thus, open app.js and add the following line:

            alert('it works');          

Similarly, we'll keep styles.css simple as well. To make sure it works, let's set the background colour to blue. You can do that by adding the following code in styles.css:

            html {
background-color: blue;

Lastly, you need to write the HTML so you can display it on your homepage. Open the file index.html and add the following HTML code:

After writing the above code, there is one more step left! See the next section.

Serve the HTML File

You are almost done. All that's left is to serve the HTML code. To do that, you have to go to your index.js file, which has your server code. Open the file and write the following code:

            app.get('/', (req, res) => {

If it's not your first time using Node.js and Express, you might ask what's up with the method sendFile and why aren't you using the render method. Since you are not using any engine (e.g., Pug, EJS, and so on), you cannot use the render method. Thus, you send back an HTML file when people access your homepage.

The final version of your server code should look as follows:

            const path = require('path');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))) app.get('/', (req, res) => {
app.listen(3333, () => {
console.log('Application listening on port 3333!');

Now, if you go to http://localhost:3333, you should see a webpage with a blue background — of course, that's after you close the annoying pop-up.

screenshot of finished app showing the words

A screenshot of the app

The above image shows what you should see on your screen.


Congratulations on making it to the end of the article. By now, you should have a simple web application.

In this article, you learned:

  • about Node.js
  • about Express and how to use it to create a small web application
  • how to create routes
  • how to set up static assets in a Node.js + Express application
  • how to serve a simple HTML file in Express

If you enjoyed the article, and if you want a part 2 where you add a database such as Mongo or Postgres, let me know in the comments!

How To Create Node Js Express Project


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